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The Year of the Piper Cub

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2010
Reaction score
In case you're not a member of the Cub Club, I said this in the January/February 2012 issue:

During WW2, the Eighth Air Force used the term maximum effort to describe certain large bombing raids on important targets. Before those raids, every aircraft was readied using all available resources to enable a successful launch and completion of the mission. I am suggesting that this next year, on the 75th Anniversary of the J-3 Piper Cub, we Cub owners think about participating in several maximum effort missions.

The largest and most important for most of us will be the EAA AirVenture 2012 from July 23rdto July 29th. The EAA staff is making every effort to facilitate a smooth/unique entry into Oshkosh and to honor the Cubs that are so special to us and to them in 2012. I know this because I am working with them on the planning. Space is being reserved for over 200 Cubs to park together. Cubs will be seen in the air show, discussed at a Theater in the Woods program, and highlighted by the placement of Cubs near the Red Barn and show center. An evening dinner is being planned with prizes, plaques, and other mementoes for all Cub pilots who fly their Cub to Oshkosh. The Cub will be #1 at AirVenture 2012. So,don’t miss this one!

Another mission will be to participate in Sentimental Journey to Lock Haven from June 20 to23rd. While being much smaller than Oshkosh, you can “kiss the ground the Piper J-3 was builton”. Featured planes in 2012 will be the J-3, L-4 and the PA-16 Clipper.

www.cubs2oshkosh.com is the briefing room for most activities for the 75th Anniversary of the Cub. So, please sign in to the site.Funded by the EAA and managed by me as a volunteer, it’s free with no banner ads and will be in operation for all of 2012. Place pictures of your Cub in the photo gallery so others can recognize your aircraft. Use the forums to tell the group about local missions in your area and to discuss the next maximum effort mission. View the map to locate other Cub pilots to fly with you on missions. It’s always good to fly in groups for mutual protection and fun. Also noted on the map are the gathering hubs/stops for fuel, food and rest. The site will have the latest information for you about the target. Use www.cubs2oshkosh.com to help make the mission planning easier and make new Cub friends!

I encourage all Cub pilots to participate in many missions this coming year. A maximum effort should be used to target Oshkosh and Lock Haven. Let’s fly our Cubs next year as if it’s our last year to fly our favorite plane! Don’t miss out on any Cub action this historic year! :D

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