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The original ...... "Rosie the Rocketer"

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Premium Member
Jan 13, 2010
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The original ...... "Rosie the Rocketer"

Link to pictures ..... https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/...

Hi Everyone,

Well I just got back to the shop from a trip to the "American Heritage Museum" in Hudson MA. The day started off with rain then turned to over cast with some humidity that lingered in the air from all the rain we have been getting this week. I got there 15 minutes before they opened and headed straight to the hangar were "Rosie" was parked full of anticipation and excitement. Wanting to get as many pictures of her before the crowds encircled it.

There were many docents telling people all about "Rosie" in their own story telling way and what she did that made her so special. As I could heard from all the conversations with the docents and within groups, lot of people made the trip just to see her.

So I got to look her over close up, eyeballing the finest details of this historic L-4 and its restoration. I tried to talk to all the docents asking many questions on the documents, photos, why this and why that, what proof did you use, etc. ......

I know you all are asking what do I think about how accurate the restoration of "Rosie" is ..... well I have my opinion and what I think. I will let you look at the photos and you can decide for yourself.

Side: I told my son, who lives in Georgia, I was taking the trip to see "Rosie", he told me, "Don't be to disappointed when you see it."

Enjoy! ... KAP


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