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The Battle of Saratoga

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
For those of you lite on your history the Battle of Saratoga was the first turning point for the Continental Army against the largest army in the world. The British Redcoats had beaten our ass to the point that all hope was almost lost and the moral of our ragged troops and the rest of the new born country was losing faith in starting a free country of our own. It was the armed American who came from farms, towns and cities to stand against the strongest army the world had ever seen. All the British saw was a weak colony wihout an organized army. What the British didn't take into accout was that the real power was in the hands of British subjects soon to be American citizen. The power was that almost everyone in America was armed and willing to fight for it's freedom. Today in Saratoga NY there was the first of the season gun show. TV and news papers and the internet were urging people to get out and protest the gun show and a large group took to the sidewalk in front of the civic center and practiced their 1st amendment rights. But before they got there the supporters for the 2nd amendment got up early and got the high ground, the center of the corner on the 4 way intersection and when we were there out numbered the anti gun protesters. All was peacefull and everyone got a chance at their 1st amendment rights. The show had a record turnout number of peacefull armed American citizens.



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