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Tailwheel opinions and Gremlins .

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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
It just takes one ground loop to ruin your Cub fun.

Everyone has an opinion but I took my Scott 3200 off My J-5 and put on a new soft tire Maule 6". I like the angle better and it seems to three point better than the Scott did , I like the smaller wheel for normal use .(just me) I have owned a new Maule 8" and took it off a T-craft and went the soft solid Maule it just seemed to work better . By all means get a BIG tailwheel for rough feild flying , But I just like the smaller wheels for Cubs, Champ types.

. A brand new Maule is a joke compared to a New Scott of any size . My new Maule (has about a 100 hrs) has slop in the tiller arm and it has been greased and checked regular . It's just not a Scott or new Lang for that matter ........but they are reasonably priced and will work . IMO having a good and well setup tailwheel is good insurance toward stopping that future ground loop that can happen .

I was flying a Cessna 170 back for a guy who bought a Champ and he didn't tell me that he had only one brake and the steering from the wornout Scott 3200 was almost non existent . And to really add injury to my taildragging pride I had boasted that I had never had a ground loop and I had the tailwheel experience down to a science ....Well I taxied out to my surprise I couldn't get that airplane to turn but one direction going round and round she goes . All these guys were watching me and I killed the engine and got out and pushed the damn plane to the center of the runway and got back in and ....Well I got it off the ground and I made a jackass out of myself, A regular occurrence according to my wife :p .
Ken and Danny were in the Champ circling waiting for my take off and laughing their A$$es
off at Mr. Pro Taildragger expert .(Ken and Danny mentioned for Houston).

Oh yeah boys let me at her I can fly anything .....I was let down a few
notches that day for sure . Remember about the time your looking out
the window daydreaming that ole taildragger Gremlin will bite you in
the butt .:)

I owned a PA-20 at the time with a great tailwheel setup and it was
not at all what the hangar stories mentioned about being squirrlly ,All
my taildraggers I've owned I've made sure the tailwheel worked properly.
There are lots of good articles on getting your tailwheel at the right
angle for the best steering. I think half the problem people have learning
in a taildragger is a worn out

Later to my recollection Danny put a new Scott 3200 on that C-170 and
it was a pussycat . Remember back when there were a lot of doggy
planes not like today when everyone has a show plane Cub.

J-5 Mike
(sorry about grammar errors ).
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