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Tachometer Interference

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Jun 26, 2018
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I cut holes for my instruments before realizing the potential tachometer clearance problem with the tank strap mentioned in other posts on this forum. I’ve noticed that some 90 degree adapters seem to be more compact than others and could provide for less interference. The posts mentioning those adapters are old and refer to old parts that my no longer be available.

Chief Aircraft sells two adapters. One looks like what I have; the other (the “-E” version) looks more compact. I called Chief and they could not provide any dimensions. It’s too expensive to take a chance on purchase. Does anyone have information on that adapter and whether it shortens the overall length of a Stewart-Warner or Mitchell tachometer with the adapter attached? The tachometers are nominally 3.5” without the adapter, so the adapter cannot add more than 0.5” without interference. But even if it shortens the current overall 5” length of my tachometer with the current adapter, it will be easier to make the result fit.

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