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Tach inaccuracy?

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In Remembrance 2023
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Mount Hairy, MD
Yesterday my I/A and I were finishing up the annual on the L-4 and were running the engine to check static rpm and the tach accuracy. He had his little handy dandy digital tach checker thingy and I'm in the front office. So I put it at 1000 and he's got 1200. I go to 1500 he's reading 1750. I put it at 2200 and he 's seeing 2200. We're scratching our heads and trying to figure out why the low end and midrange is off and the top end is accurate. I'm wondering how far off am I allowed to have before it's considered to be inoperative? Then it comes to me and I feel like a dope. Can anybody guess what the problem was?

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