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Summer in the mountains

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huston marlowe

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
High DA has been discussed lately..but yesterday afternoon a friend had a first hand lesson (not a Cub). He made at least three compounding errors and got away with it..very lucky. 1. Waited until noon to fly into the mountains. DA 9000 ft,+, gusty variable had come up too. 2. On base he realized the wind was shoving him toward the runway but he turned final anyway. 3. Maintained his usual speed. Yup, he got a quartering tailwind gust and his little airplane hit hard on the nosewheel and then the tail and then he got the power in during the bounce. He knew he had really bent the nose wheel because he could feel it in the yoke. He knew he had bent some stuff in the tail because with full nose down trim he had to hold almost full forward yoke to level out. His error #4 I think during the go-round was to stay in the air and run for home..an hour's flight. He made it with the elevator shaking from flying at speed with full elevator counteracting full frim tab. We have seen the bent linkage in the tail, he is probably pulling the nose gear today. I think that # 4 could well have been his last decision.

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