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STC for O-200

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Jun 7, 2011
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hello folks. my J3 with a C-85 is stranded 1000 miles from home because a lot of metal showed up on the dipstick during a preflight while traveling. i found a nice O-200 to replace the C-85 with, but the A&P where cub is grounded called the FAA re a 337 pre-approval. they won't do it and said 'stc only'....

the only STC i can find is the univair one which demands a new mount, dual wing tanks, and a limit on dilling the nose tank (i want to simply bolt on a motor and get the bird home to western colorado; it is in northern montana right now). FAA wont accept argument that C-90 (allowed under ATC 691) is the same thing as O-200 but with different redline limit.

the only worthwhile C-85 on the market is the one in texas (on barnstormers). must be mase of gold as the guy thinks its worth $12k, even though is is not zero-timed.

local friends say 'buy a new data plate on ebay and make it a C-90-12F' but that seems to be kind of poaching the regs....

thoughts; bvhydro...

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