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Sport pilot hour building question

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New Member
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all

New here.

While working on my private ten years ago, I built up about 60 hours in 7 different planes, including my solo cc. Had to quit just prior to check ride.

Now I am ready to fly again and think I will go for my sport pilot instead as it suits all my needs. My question is simple. There are four flight schools within 45 minutes of me, but no one has any LSA equipment. I figure I'm gonna need at least 20 hours to get the rust off, possibly more. Can I do that in a non-LSA "heavy" such as a 152 or 172?

I'm on this board because my long term plan is to buy a nice J3 once I am licensed and comfortable. My A&P father flew a Tri-Pacer for many years.



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