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Sorry your Super Cub got dirty Jim...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score

I was at 1W3 making arrangments to move my PA22 into the "big" hanger so we could work on Glen's AcroSport2 which was shoved into a corner behind the TriPacer, when my phone rang at 12:19. It was Jim Newton who was next door at CBE for lunch. I offered to drive over since I likely needed a can of gas anyway...Whatever, Jim said he would drop in at Mexico Farms on his way home so we could meet. Just then a J3 took off(he could have only made a low pass?) and I offered that the RW was likely still frozen and should be ok.... A little while later as I was putting the battery back in the PA22 I heard an aircraft TO at CBE and went out and saw the Super Cub turn X-wind at CBE(which is kinda almost downwind for 1W3). Well the RW was pretty much ok but the frozen ground had softened on the surface and was a bit nasty to the bottom of Jim's wings....Sorry about that! Indeed I declined to fly the J5 later because of the messy conditions. Maybe tomorrow morning before it warms-up..?

Great to meet you Jim. Hope I'm not tied-up next time, I still owe you lunch.



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