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Small Aileron Fairlead

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Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
Decided my small aileron fairleads needed to be replaced. My mech had been encouraging it as one was a piece of wood that came out in six pieces. The other appeared to be a wad of electrical tape and heavy paper. Didn't locate any part solutions besides the solid piece offerings that need to be installed prior to cable fabrication. Did some measuring and came up with a split version like the large ones that I 3-D printed in high density plastic. Prototypes where a blue grey because that was in the printer. Will reprint in off white (nylon looking) after fit & functional check. Drawing and a couple pics below. Happy to share the the cad file if you have a need and would like to print your own. You can decide if they will work under "owner produced parts." My mech was very satisfied with the result.

AileronFairlead (6).jpg

AileronFairlead (1).JPG


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