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In Remembrance 2023
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Mount Hairy, MD
Good afternoon, everyone,

It brings me much sadness to inform you that after much thought, we have made the painful decision to cancel the Spring breakfast and the Fly-In. This decision was not made easily. Many of you travel from as far west as California. We have several friends from Canada, Florida, Texas, and everywhere in between. A huge percentage of us are in the “ high risk ” category. As much as we were looking forward to seeing you all, we have to do what we can to make sure we can see you back here & healthy next year. We have some exciting things for the 2021 Fly-In. For instance, the Short Wing Club will be holding their convention here! We will be featuring the Piper Short Wings next year,( 2020 was to be the year of the PA-15 & 17, Vagabonds). Next year, we will combine the short wings. I will keep you all posted via a newsletter to be written at a later date, and via the web site.

We want to thank you all for your ongoing support and hope you understand this difficult decision. We are planning the 35th fly-in for June 22-26, 2021. If you pre-registered for 2020, we will be refunding your money this week, we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Please tell everyone to continue to support Sentimental Journey. Stay safe and have a nice weekend.


Kim Garlick, Executive Coordinator

Sentimental Journey To Cub Haven

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