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proping without control

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
Reaction score
Hi to all the Cub fans, I'm going to take a moment to review, repeat, restate and once again beat the drum on propping. Today a local pilot had an unfortunate incident resulting in much damage to an aircraft , a hangar and an ego. Fortunately, luckily, amazingly no one was hurt, pure luck. Some of us are familiar with the sound of an aircraft impacting an immovable object, it is not pleasant, actually it kind of sickens the stomach once you recognize it. Heard it today and upon investigation it was a runaway Cub impacting a hangar. The throttle was advanced , the prop was swung, the engine started, reached rpm , loss of control ensued, result , one hangar door, one prop, one engine, one wing tip one very bent fuselage. The cub is a complete mess . I could go on and describe what happened in detail but that's not the point. The point is please be very vigilant and very "control" oriented when propping. Like I said good news no one hurt, lets keep it that way . Sorry for the soap box but you know how it is , had to say something. Keep smiling keep flying! Tom

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