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Proper Airspeed Markings

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Active Member
Supporting Member
Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
1000 Islands Ontario Canada
Hi all,

My J3 has a PA18 airspeed indicator…with the wrong markings.
I’ve ordered a new one from Mid Continent Instruments and have the ability to get them to paint correct airspeed arcs on it.
They need the POH for verification. All I have been able to find is a Piper POH from May, 1946 which only says the airplane will become airborne at 39 MPH and a Vne of 122 MPH.
MCI is asking about a yellow caution range, but I’m unable to find one.
To cloud the issue, I’ve got VGs installed, but the STC paperwork doesn’t mention a reduction of the stall speed…
Any thoughts?

🐝 🥩 🍺

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