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Ponca City J3 serial numbers

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Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2014
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The topic comes up once in a while and I came across a document with the list of serial numbers for Ponca City J3s. Piper Museum was the source.

The first Ponca City Cub was s/n 21991 with tail number NC77500, delivered on August 16, 1946 to Harte Flying Service.

The last Ponca City Cub was s/n 23180 with tail number NC78439 delivered on June 30, 1947 to P.A.C. The plane was probably built several months before delivery.

Interestingly both airplanes are still registered!

The attachment is the incomplete list of Ponca City Cubs include in the document. For all I know I downloaded this document from this forum!

View attachment Ponca City Cubs ser. nos.pdf

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