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OT. Spezio DONE! Pictures now

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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Abouit 6 months longer than I thought but it's finally ready to fly. Spezio Sport DAL-1(Tu-holer) N92JM is done. All that's needed is the paperwork, which is what I hope is only a minor rub?
I reserved the N-number and registered it in May with me as the builder. I called the local GADO to start the AWC process and was refered to the Harrisburg MIDO. The guy there was on the ball and a great help but I should have contacted him earlier. He insists that the fellow who started the project, who I admit did more work than I, has to be the builder/manufacturer. He had me send him a copy of the registeration and said he would fix it........

I have a DAR lined-up who said that as soon as the new registeration arrives, he can be here in the next day or two. I'll wait to make a new data plate so everything is exactly the same.

Another rub. I figured(wrong) that since the engine/prop had flown fine for 135 hours on the bipe, that I'd have a 25 hour phase 1. Wrong. Since engine/prop is still experimental, 40 hours is the rule. I was worried that it would be a hot this summer flying off the restrictions....Now it's going to probably be too bloody cold. In reality, it will likely be next spring/summer when most of the 40 will be flown, only a year late.

Building an airplane is an big task. Everything takes at least twice as long as I thought. Almost every piece needs to be made twice, indeed by the third time it would be perfect.....

Maybe build 3 planes at once and keep the third one :-\

Now just wait on the FAA....hope they stay funded for a little while.


BTW. While the QEC mount worked well, other things were too complicated and costly. I ran out of money and took most of the instruments, wheels/brakes and tailwheel off the bipe.....So I sold the bipe last week. Marcia asked if I would be sad seeing it go and I said no, that after sellig the Pitts 30 years ago, nothing else would bother me. Well, I was sad watching it go out the lane. It gave me great fun and great hope at just the right time as I had to make the decision that light sport was my only future. I turned 65 on the 21st and hoped to be flying by then....maybe only a week or two more ;)


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