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NTSB releases report on 2014 midair at FDK.

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In Remembrance 2023
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Mount Hairy, MD

We had many years as Maryland's 2nd busiest airport with no tower. 3 active flight schools, and a very active glider club with never a problem. They put in a tower and two years later, we had a midair practically right over the airport. Both aircraft were under tower control. 3 fatals.

I think what happened was both pilots depended on ATC to maintain separation. Nobody looks around in controlled airspace. Everybody expects the tower to take care of that. This tower doesn't have radar, however, and the controller wasn't watching the sky.

I am fearful that this will worsen once ADS-B goes into mass operation. Pilots will stop looking around and will rely on the box to advise them of traffic. Those of us with no box will be out there with a bunch of idiots not even trying to see and avoid.

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