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NTSB _ J3 accidents

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Deleted by JimC
Sep 21, 2009
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What follows is an excerpt that I copied from the NTSB Accident Inquiry. There are many more and for those interested in learning from others mistakes just go to http://www.ntsb.gov/aviationquery/index.aspx
Search Piper J3 in the aircraft section, you'll probably be amazed as I was to the number of accidents.
I didn't think there were that many J3s still around, maybe this is why :-\
Good reading to prepare you for what might happen if you let your guard down. As an Instructor I have seen many of these situations, its the corrective action that is so important!

The pilot/owner and a commercial-rated pilot departed in a tandem, two-seat, tailwheel-equipped airplane on a local flight. On the return leg to the airport the commercial pilot was flying the airplane. The commercial pilot, who was seated in the rear seat, did his before-landing checks to set up for the landing; however, during the approach to the runway the engine lost power. Unable to regain engine power, they elected to conduct a forced landing in a vacant lot. During the forced landing the airplane sustained damage to the left wing and fuselage. After the accident the pilot/owner and commercial pilot discovered that the engine’s fuel shut-off valve was in the (pulled) off position. The commercial pilot reported that he flew a Cub Special (PA-11), but never the accident airplane (J3), and that the fuel shut-off valve in the J3 was in the same place as the carburetor heat in the PA-11. The commercial pilot added that the shut-off valve was not color coded or marked, and that he pulled the fuel shut-off knob mistaking it for the carburetor heat.

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:

A total loss of engine power due to fuel starvation as a result of the pilot's inadvertent closure of the fuel valve. Contributing to the accident were the unmarked fuel shutoff valve and the pilot's inexperience in the accident airplane.

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