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Northeast Cub guru?

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Active Member
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Does anybody know of someone in the NY/NJ area that is knowledgable about cubs? My friend that is an I/A is going to do the annual on the plane, but he doesn't really have alot of knowledge concerning the airplanes.

One of the reasons I ask concerns my struts. Going through my log books, I'm pretty sure mine are not the newer sealed struts, but I'm not exactley sure how to tell. The only thing my books show are inspections on the struts showing they're still good. Also, my jury struts are showing some rust starting to come through and I need to know if they can just be sanded down and redone, or if I need to replace them.

These are the types of question I'm having a hard time getting answered since it seems that no one in the area has any real cub exp.

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