I build an RV-8 20+ years ago. Now that I am retired I needed a new project. Knew that something would fall in my lap. First project to fall my way was a RV-9A that needs repairs after going off the runway. That project is nearing an end, just waiting for an engine mount.
Wanted a. Cub since I was a kid but there seem to be few projects around. Well, I found 1946 J-3 S/N 20300 AKA N7053H. Everything seems to be in very good shape. I plan to start on the rudder, HS and elevators. Going to be a fun project, can’t wait to get going on it.
Falmouth Airpark
Wanted a. Cub since I was a kid but there seem to be few projects around. Well, I found 1946 J-3 S/N 20300 AKA N7053H. Everything seems to be in very good shape. I plan to start on the rudder, HS and elevators. Going to be a fun project, can’t wait to get going on it.

Falmouth Airpark