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Magneto questions.

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2017
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I'm trying to find mags to replace the Case and Eismann unshielded ones on my A65-8F.

I originally thought I had located a Slick 4302 and a 4333 with gears, but the 4333 turned out to be unserviceable (cracked mounting ear on the case)..

Next, I found two beautiful looking Bendix S4RN-21's. Fresno has the 36067 gears to go with them and I think I can buy harnesses, but I'm told that the impulse mag won't fit on the right side because there's no recess in the case in front on the gear. Is that correct?

How about running a one of the Bendix impulse mags on the left and the Slick 4302 on the right?

Any other options?



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