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Lompoc West Coast Cub Fly-In 2008

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Jan 24, 2007
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Anyone else going to Lompoc this year??


24th West Coast Cub Fly-in
11th, 12th & 13th of July 08
Lompoc, CA

Dear Friends and fellow Cub pilots,
It’s time to remind you all of our 24th annual West Coast Cub fly-in here in the beautiful Lompoc Valley. We have a great little fly-in, small enough to allow all the Cub guys get to know each other, yet large enough to be lots of fun.

For those really early birds that arrive on Thursday or before, we start the fun stuff with a no host Chinese dinner at a nearby restaurant (within walking distance of the airport). Should you wish to rent a car, Enterprise is the only rental in town. They pick up and deliver – (805) 735-4147. On Friday, we serve up a great Spaghetti Feed followed by lots of homemade desserts. Dinner starts at 6:00 pm.

Registration is Fri. & Sat between 10 am and 4 pm. If you’re planning on having your plane judged, and to participate in the fly-in events, you need to be registered by 1 pm Sat. The registration fee is $10.00; which helps cover the cost of ribbons, award plaques and door prizes. Included in the registration packet, will be a Letter of Attendance for your tax exception filing. The pilot’s safety briefing also starts at 1 pm Saturday. To take part in the flour bomb drop and the spot-landing contest, we ask for a donation of $5.00 for each participant. The Pilot Proficiency contest is open to all Cubs, but will be limited to 50 planes due to the time it takes to complete the contest. Time and weather permitting, we will then try for the Point Conception Lighthouse Tour.

Hamburgers, hot dogs, and soft drinks will be sold Fri. & Sat. during the day, and on Sat. & Sun., a super breakfast of pancakes, sausage and strawberries will be served between 7 & 10 am. Saturday, between 5 & 7 pm, we will be serving our famous and outstanding Tri Tip BBQ with all the fixin's! After dinner we will present the awards and draw for the door prizes. Awards will be presented to the first to arrive and stay for the event, the farthest distance flown from home base, the best Cub, oldest and youngest Cub pilot. These awards are given to the pilots of E & J series Cubs and Super Cubs.

Remember, the temperature goes down with the sun, so please bring a warm change of clothing. For those of you who are interested, we still have those special Cubby Sweatshirts, Polo shirts, and T-shirts for sale. For you sightseers, the Valley offers many attractions, such as La Purisma Mission, and the many murals decorating the buildings in old town Lompoc. Mervyns, Big 5, Radio Shack, Walmart and other stores are just across the street from the airport. We don’t have much in the way of camping facilities…some folks sleep under their planes. If you choose to forego the ‘tarmac camping’ experience, there are several hotels nearby.

The following information is provided for your convenience, so please call your choice directly. The closest motel is the Quality Inn (it’s our favorite as they have provided door prizes for the last 16 years) – (805) 735-8555, their rates for the Cub fly-in are $80.00 plus tax. Make your reservations as soon as possible and identify yourself as a Cub Fly-in attendee. If you ask for a north facing room, you can look out and watch the planes on final. Other motels located near the airport are: Motel 6 – (805) 735-7631, at $51.99 per night, and the Holiday Inn – (805) 736-2391. The rate for Holiday Inn is $148.50.

We hope you can come and enjoy a weekend of fun with your fellow Cub enthusiasts. NOTE: Please bring your own tie downs and chocks as the overflow will have to be parked on the grass (weeds). Several hangars have been built where we used to park the larger and non-Cub types, so most of the non-Cub types will now be parked on the south side near the Quality Inn Hotel. A reminder, those flying from the north, be advised that Santa Maria Airport is a Class D airspace, you should be at least 3000 ft., when crossing the airport or be in contact with the tower on 118.3, in the past, several pilots violated Santa Maria’s airspace.

If you have any questions or suggestions, I can be reached at (805) 733-1914 after 5:00 pm, or you can email me at [email protected]. If you want to ‘snail mail’ me, the address is: 3933 Mesa Circle Dr. Lompoc Ca. 93436. I look forward to seeing you here!

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