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Liaison aircraft bibliography

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In Remembrance 2023
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Mount Hairy, MD
Awhile ago, someone was asking about a list of books to read in order to get a better understanding of L-4 history. I listed the personal narratives that I have found to be most helpful, but here is another , more detailed list. Sorry about the duplication. I don't know where the rest of the list is.

101. Tierney, Richard K., “THE ARMY AVIATION STORY”, Alabama, The Colonial Press, 1963, 287pp.

110. Ten Eyck, Andrew. “JEEPS IN THE SKY”, New York, Commonwealth Books,Inc., 1946.

120. Strickland, Patricia. “THE PUTT-PUTT AIR FORCE”: The Story of the Civilian Pilot Training Program and the War Training Service 1939-1944, Dept. of Transportation, FAA, Aviation Editorial Staff, GA-20-84, 1979, 116pp.,USGPO.

130. Ford, William Wallace. “WAGON SOLDIER”: A Memoir, North Adams, Mass., Excelsior Printing Co., limited to 500 copies, L.O.C. No. 80-68873, 1980, 164 pp.

140. Bourke-White, Margaret. “THEY CALLED IT PURPLE-HEART VALLEY: A Combat Chronicle of the War in Italy”, New York, Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1944, 184pp.

150. Beers, Clyde. “A BALCONY SEAT IN THE ETO”, Pa., private printing, 1991, ISBN

0-9630194-0-6, 200pp.

160. Nelson, Earl F. “THE UNSUNG FLYERS”, OK, private printing, 1993, 250pp.

170. Schultz, Alfred W. “JANEY; A LITTLE PLANE IN A BIG WAR”, Ct, Southfarm Press, 1998, ISBN No. 0-913337-31-5, 288pp.

180. Gordon, Joseph Furbee. “FLYING LOW: and shot down twice during ww2 in a spotter plane”, Ct, Southfarm Press, 2001, ISBN No. 0-913337-43-9, 220pp.

190. Love, Terry M. “L-BIRDS”, American Combat Liaison Aircraft of WWII, Mn, Flying Books Intnl., 2001, ISBN No. 0-911139-31-151995, 84pp.

200. Wakefield, Ken. “THE FIGHTING GRASSHOPPERS; U.S. Liaison Aircraft Operations in Europe,1942-1945”, UK, Midland Counties Publ., and Specialty Press Publ. and Wholesalers,Inc., 1990, ISBN No. 0-904597-78-4, 160pp.

210.Wakefield, Ken. “LIGHTPLANES AT WAR: U.S. Liaison Aircraft in Europe, 1942-1947”, UK, Tempus Publ. Ltd., 1999, ISBN No. 0-7524-1727-4, 272pp.

220. Cannon, Hardy D. “BOX SEAT OVER HELL”, Tx, private printing, 1985, 140pp.

230. Francis, Devon. “PIPER CUB GOES TO WAR”, American Aviation Historical Society Journal, Spring 1976, Vol.21 no.1, 8pp.

240. Raines, Edgar F.,Jr., “EYES OF THE ARTILLERY; The Origins of Modern U.S. Army Aviation in WWII”, Wash.,D.C., 1999, Army Historical Series, USGPO, ISBN No. 0-16-050343-4, 372pp.

250. Moore, Don, “LOW AND SLOW; Liberation of the Phillipines as Viewed From 800 Feet Above the Ground”, CA, San Antonio Heights Publ. Co., 1999, ISBN No.0-9670334-0-3, 248pp.

260. Politella, Dario, “OPERATION GRASSHOPPER”, KS, Robert R. Longo Publ., 1958, The story of Army light planes in Korea.

270. “PIPER CUB IN WAR AND PEACE”, Piper Aircraft, Lockhaven, Pa., 1944

280. Adcock, Al., “U.S. LIAISON AIRCAFT IN ACTION”, Squadron Signal Publ., 2005 ,Aircraft No.195, 50pp.

290. Cummings, Julian W., “GRASSHOPPER PILOT: a memoir”, OH, The Kent State Univ. Press, 2005, 92pp.

300. Kowalick, Ernest E., “ALONE AND UNARMED”, NE, The Glenn Curtiss Press, First Printing1968, 2005, ISBN No. 0-9763058-0-1, 305pp.

310. Rizzo, Victor P., “BATTLEFIELD PILOT: Memoirs of a Field Artillery Pilot in WWII”, OH, PPS Publishing, 2002, ISBN No. 0-9709-8262-3, 240pp.

320. Doolittle, Duncan H., “BARKER’S CUBS: Piper Cub Planes and Their Pilots in the 43rd Div. Artillery”, RI, Anawan Publ. Co., Narraganset, RI, 1991, private printing, 28pp.

330. Knisley, Allen, “THREE YEARS OUT OF MY LIFE: On the Grasshopper Trail, a memoir”, OH, 2000, 64pp.

340. Smith, Jack D., “AN ARTILLERYMAN’S STORY: A Forward Observer in WWII”, CA, private printing, 60pp.

350. Claybourn, Guy, “THE RARE BREED”, TX,2003, publ. Palacios Bacon, a personal memoir, 15pp.

360. Rogers, Neil F., “ WORLD WAR II LIAISON AVIATION IN THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES “ Arizona: Thesis-Northern Arizona State Univ.1992

219 pp. UMI Dissertation Services Ann Arbor, Michigan

370. Harmon, Ernest. “COMBAT COMMANDER”. Englewood Cliffs,NJ : Prentice Hall, 1970

380. U.S.Army General Board-ETO, “LIAISON AIRCRAFT WITH GROUND FORCE UNITS”. G-3 Section Study No.20. 1945. 44pp.

390. Kerns, Raymond C. “ABOVE THE THUNDER”. Reminiscences of a Field Artillery Pilot in WWII. Kent State Univ. Press, Kent, Ohio 2009. 306 pp.hdbd. 33rd Div.pilot.

400. Stegall, James R. “GRASSHOPPER PILOT: COMBAT MEMOIRS – SALERNO TO THE YALU”. 224pp, sfbd., limited to 650 copies. Out of print. 36th Div. pilot

410. Shipman, Brian and Ellison, Gary. “L-BIRD, The Little Plane That Did”. DVD at 44 min. Hosted by Cliff Robertson. 2006

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