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Learning to fly in a parachuted plane (CIRRUS)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
This is about a very modern plane, but since all of you fly basic planes, maybe you have some thoughts on this.

I have a friend that is learning to fly, but learning to fly in a CIRRUS with all the glass readouts and fuses. Has the parachute should there be any engine failure etc.

He was talking about his instructor taking out a fuse before lesson to see if he could find the problem. It was for the flaps. He found the fuse and inserted it, then on take off forgot to change the flaps to get lift for take off. Discovered it and continued flying.

BUT, here's the question. He is not going to learn about a spin or deadstick as the chute will save him should there be a failure.

What do you think about someone learning to fly by electronics and relying on a chute, rather than learning to fly by mechanical instruments and real power out, stalls, possibly learning the signs of start of a spin, etc.

I did take some flying lessons on the Denver front range many years ago in a basic plane, and his not learning the basics first has me a bit concerned.

What do you think on the subject?


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