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June 6th

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
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June 6th
Important day to give thanks. June 4th - 7th is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. A torpedo squdron disobayed orders on the morning of the 4th and headed off in a different direction then the rest of the squdron on a hunch and discovered the Japanese Navy. They knew they were toast but that small group attacked the whole Navy and their fighter wing. They never scored a hit and one buy one they were shot down but fought to the end. Their selfless act screwed up the carriers operations enough that the rest of the US bombers had a chance to sink 3 carriers and that changed the whole war in the Pacific.

June 6th 1944 the largest land and sea beach landing in history happened on Normandy beaches and the single greatest loss of American Life in a single day. Their sacrifice began the liberation of Europe.
Not many of our finest left now a days but God bless everyone of them

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