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J3 Cub - Not to Exceed Speed ?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
I have a doubt about the Not to Exceed Speed of the Cub. On my AirSpeed indicator the Green arc is up to 90mph and the Yellow arc from 90 to 122mph.
For me the VNE is at 122mph. I heard a friend recently explaining that VNE of the Cub was 90mph only and that we should be careful not to exceed that...
Looking at the TC there are two speed limits:
"Climb or cruise: 90mph"
"Glide or dive 122mph"

This is strange. Usually the Air Speed does not depend of the cruise or glide attitude but if the air is turbulent or not.
What is your interpretation of those speed limits ?
How does the Cub behave up to 120mph (never tried...) ?

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