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I have a chance to learn in a J3....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
I have the opportunity to learn to fly in a 65hp J3 Cub (1942) that sits in a local museum. Last time flown was about 2 years ago. It's out of annual. The gentleman that owns it said I can use it if I paid for annual and insurance. He wont charge me a rental fee. I am not experienced enough to make judgement on the condition of the airplane, but it's a museum piece -- and I've seen people touch the planes and sometimes sit in it without permission. Who knows if some kids have been hanging off the ailerons when no one is looking.

i will have to find a local instructor...and so far I've come up empty. I would like to look for someone that knows the J3 inside and out...someone that instructs in J3s, not some weekend-tailwheel-endorsement-signing-Cessna-140-guy, if you know what I mean.

Lastly, right now I can't afford to buy a Cub even if I finished training in one. I just spent 5k on some medical bills this year (unnecessary ER trip), and, the money spent on instruction will set me back even more.

I guess the question is: Should I wait until I can afford to buy a J3 Cub before taking instruction in one? I'm afraid of getting a license and then having no money down the line for purchase. I suppose I could keep flying the plane until I can afford one--that would be nice, but I may be moving to Yellowstone (will find out next few weeks)--so I won't have access to the airplane, obviously.

I guess I need to see how things play out in the coming weeks...but I'm glad there seems to be an opportunity!

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