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Help and prayers needed

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
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One of our aviation friends needs all the help and prayers we can give. He's not a name know to most people. He's not famous because of gaint leaps in aviations growth. He's a humble man who tells the amazing life story of a friend and mentor, a living history of early aviation and a man named Cole Palen. Jim Hare as been hanging around the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome scince he was a small boy. He has actively been a part of the team starting in1981. He is one of the large drops of glue that have held the Aerodrome together every day he's there.
The Aerodrome has had a few announcers over the years but IMO none as colorful as Jim Hare. The team puts the shows on every weekend but Jim announcing from the rickity tower has been the airboss for as long as I remember keeping the show going as the wheels are falling off the wagon with everything we we're trying to start and keep running,
Jim was told a couple weeks ago the he has inoperable stomach cancer and most likely not going home again. He's a great guy with nice kids and wife. Working at the Aerodrome has never been a great paying job, more a love affair with things that are important.
If you were every lucky enough to make it to the Aerodrome and Jim was the story teller then you were treated to a great memory.

Family could use some support for the tough road ahead.


Jim doing what he does best



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