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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2016
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Hi All

I've have two questions, hopefully someone will be able to help.

I've recently purchased a 1939 J3, one of the few issues that I'm experiencing with the Cub is that when in straight and level flight, it seems to yaw to the left very slightly. This can be corrected by putting a very slight amount of pressure on the right rudder.

I've been told that some of the TaylorCraft planes from the same era had an adjustment on the rudder, almost like a rudder trim in order to correct this, however, my Cub has no such adjuster or rudder trim mechanism.

Is this a common issue with Cubs? If so, is it something that I just have to fly with or is there a way of correcting this.

Once again, it's a very slight issue, probably not worth worrying about but I thought I'd ask anyway.

The other question I have relates to parts of the plane where there is exposed metal and the potential for corrosion. Areas such as where the landing gear is attached to the fuselage, the trim jack mechanism etc.

Am I meant to be applying some sort of corrosion retarder to these areas of my Cub? if so, what would be recommended?

I've only got about 5 hours in my Cub so far, but I already love it dearly and want to make sure that I do all the right things in terms of maintenance to ensure that I have many years of safe, fun and hassle free flying ahead of me.

Thanks in advance.


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