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Fun day to fly

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Strange day to fly yesterday. Freezing rain all night then warms up a little bit and thick snow fog all morning. My friends from Old Rhinebeck were driving up to pick up a donated vintage parts car and Ansaldo aircraft parts out by Syracuse NY. They were going to be driving by within 10 miles of my home so told them I would meet them and help load it. They would be going by around 11am. About 10:30 the fog retreated to the valley and I had a couple thousand foot ceiling so I called them and said I would fly over and meet them at Brians to help load. It was dead calm at my strip when I took off and the ceiling looked to be at least 4,000' but had a fuzzy moist broken cloudy layer just south of me at about 500' As I got about 300'agl it got really bumpy so I climbed and like always it was smooth just above the broken layer. At about 2000' agl it was smooth but must have been blowing because I was hardly moving. It's only about 50 mile to Brians so no big deal. After awhile I got out my GPS to see what the GS was. I flew for an hour and only got a little over 30 miles from home and decided I didn't have enough gas for the normal 35 minute flight. At one point the GS was 10.4 MPH. I did a 180 turn and in a few seconds I was doing 164 mph. I would have played around with the wind but I couldn't head South and was afraid if I got North of my track heading home I wouldn't get it back. I had to fly East to get home and my noise pointed due 180* South and my track was 127*. I was now at about 3000' and my strip came up so fast that by the time I turned I was at 2500agl and about a 5/8 mile final. I pointed the nose at the end of my runway and was going almost 100mph with a ground speed of 39mph and the seat cushion was starting to become intimate with my butt as it was bouncing around pretty good. Got to about 200' agl and going 90GS on short final and smooth again and almost had to go around. Got on the ground and shut down and not a wisper of a breeze, dead calm like when I left.

Took my a while to get the camera out

Nose pointing 180* and flying east sideways



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