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Fuel Leak?

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New Member
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Strange day. Went out to fly today after being away for a couple of weeks. After I last flew I put 5 gal of 100LL in the airplane which brought it up to 10 gallons on the dip stick. When I got there today the tank was empty. Looked down the filler neck and bone dry. No sign of fuel on the floor or in the cockpit, and no fuel smell. The fuel was shut off. The aircraft is in my locked T-hanger. Is it possible for 10 gal of fuel to disappear over the course of 2 weeks with no sign of a leak? I have never heard of such a thing but I have only been messing with these things for 40 years. Put in more gas and no sign of leaking so I went flying. I find it hard to believe that someone would come into a locked hanger and drain 10 gallons of gas out of a Cub and touch nothing else in the hanger but . . . . . ?



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