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Every Sunday Fly-in Atlanta Texas

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
I meet a guy with a really nicely restored j-3 this weekend in Atlanta Texas. I was telling him about this web site. He told me he does not have a computer. Although his Cub he said would like to meet other Cubs.
Every Sunday Atlanta Texas has a lunch fly-in at the airport. (KATA) www.airnav.com/airport/KATA They still use the grass there is a big bump were it crosses 5/23. Land long or short.
They have Hamburgers, chips, dips homemade deserts and sweet tea. It is a very neat airport with lots of nice folks. I have been 3 times know and always get a big thank you bring a friend when I depart. I have been there as late a 2 pm and there is still food.


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