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Crosswinds (extracted from VG thread)

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 25, 2007
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.......Comments inserted.

for the longest I was an advocate of 3pt only till I got really good at wheel landings, especially in the crosswind.

.....I agree that one should be competent with both methods.

and I've been in some pretty stiff crosswinds then again I'm sure my maximums are less then many on here.

...... I'm pretty sure that's true of me as well. My maximum crosswinds when wheel landing are gusts on the the order of 20 knots on grass. When 3-pointing, a bit over 30 knots on grass. The mains start scrubbing sideways when the crosswind component is about 25 knots. In all honesty, I'm somewhat predjudiced against wheel landing because I like to land slow.

I practice the Hoover Maneuver quite regularly and find it to be quite useful in strong crosswinds.

..... I've never been timid about letting my ignorance show. What is the Hoover maneuver? I'm not into airshows, so have never seen Bob fly.

Something else I discovered, I can stop just as short and sometimes shorter if I use the tail low wheel landing technique, vs the fly it on and touch technique, as any 3pt.

....... On smooth surfaces (grass, sand, etc.) I usually land tail first and plop the mains in second. I don't fly it on; I'm stalled when I touch down.

Also, I can keep the angle low once on the turf hence keeping the underside of the wing from being exposed during roll out and I'm set for a go around if necessary.

.....Are you referring to low tail angle or low AOA?

I'm curious, when you 3pt in the flare, what control surface are you using to offset the x-wind,

.....before touchdown, I offset the X-wind with aileron and hold the nose alignment where I want it with rudder. During the rollout, I use both rudder and aileron to offset the crosswind, plus bursts of throttle when I need more rudder authority in addition to the tailwheel authority.

I know you are using the slip on final, what are you using in the flare once over the runway?

.......In crosswinds, I continue the slip all the way to touchdown. In winds that are aligned with the runway, I flare out of the slip with the plane aligned at touchdown. I practice alternative methods as well, but that's my preference.


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