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Covering My 46 J-3. Poly Questions

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John Gacnik

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
I have began covering my J-3 this week and chose poly fiber and Ranthane for the finish. I've been around planes for 20+ yrs and this is my first covering job. I wanted to pick some brains here on my initial experiences. I like the system so far, but am in a learning curve and looking for tips. I started with my bottom door because its small and I wouldn't waste a lot of I screwed up. So here is my questions.

1. Poly tak seemed a little slow while drying. My way of doing the fabric was gluing the interior fabric on the exterior and visa versa for exterior. Worked great but asking the fabric to turn 90 degrees, on the top channel, and stay while glue was drying was kinda a pain. Turned out good, but I think I worked extra hard because I'm missing the pro's hints.
2. First coat of Brush, I was a little slow, and found as I progressed across the surface it was drying behind me and I began seeing the brush strokes they warn about. Also, I completed as they say "Put on like varnish then brush through once for air bubble removal then get out a there". Still get mini air bubble that I smoothed out with my little iron. Hints?
3. I worked pretty fast on the flat surface tapes and all was pretty well, but it seems like with the pre-coat, the bedding coat, and the following coat it starts leaving small brush marks on the tape edges. Haven't done the perimeter tapes yet. Thinking I may have to brush on the outside perimeter, let it dry and heat form to make the turns with them.
4. Does the sprayed on poly brush coats later blend the edges of the tapes?

Yes, I know I'm thinking to much about this. Yes, I am OCD. But hey if your gonna do it why not do the best you can. Right?? Haha. I probably should have started on a stab were the gluing surface is round and bigger to learn. The door is thin and probably causing my learning issues. Any way,Guide me my friends.

Thanks John
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