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New Member
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hi guys! I am a prospective cub buyer, and I am trying to get some realistic costs estimates on what it takes to own a J3. I've been able to guesstimate a lot of numbers, but there are many cub-specific things that I really have no clue what the prices would be. I'll list what I'm looking for, and any estimates or numbers you guys have would be a big help!

1. Oil consumption rate?
2. Oil change periods/costs? I'm guessing 50 hours like most aircraft, and I think this is something I could do at home, after walking through it with an A&P once.
3. I don't know if anyone does flight instruction in their cubs, but 100 hour costs?
4. Insurance quotes? I'm working with AOPA to get some numbers, but you guys might have a general number. I'm a CSEL/MEL, IA, CFI, CFII, 0 cub time.
5. Annual inspection cost?
6. Engine overhaul? A-65 or C90.
7. Prop overhaul period/costs? No clue on specific models.
8. A good estimate on unscheduled maintenance? Basically, what should I plan per hour/year?
9. Any other Cub specific numbers that I wouldn't find with just any other aircraft?

Again, thanks for your help. If you need more info on what I'm looking for, just ask.

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