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Cost for A-65 to A-75 Conversion ?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
I was wondering what a "ballpark" cost might be to do an A-65 to A-75 conversion ? If it's reasonable, I would consider having it done this winter and wouldn't mind having my older overhaul checked out.

My A-65 stats are as follows:

Original engine to my Cub - 1391.3 TT
661.1 SMOH (last overhaul June 17, 1983)
242.8 STOH (Top End done March 1, 1997)
149 hrs on Slick Mags (Installed January 22, 1999)

At top end overhaul, it received 4 chrome Continental cylinders from J&J aircraft parts.

I realize, I'd only be picking up 200 rpm in cruise but it might be worth it depending on the cost. I haven't had a chance to scope the engine to see what connector rods I have.

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