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C-85 Prop ?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2014
Reaction score
So when I bought my J3 with a C-85, the paperwork said it had a 1B90 7149. After reading on here, it never really made sense, seemed to cruise at a max of 80 and had no trouble getting off the ground, even with the instructor. After cleaning off the plane the other day I noticed the prop had been repitched, and after close examination it is actually a 7140, makes much more sense.

From reading other threads seems the "ideal prop" is a 7142-7144. My mechanic said a previous owner was trying to push the short field performance and that is why it is so flat.

Doesn't seem to break redline ever, and pulls at about 2400 on the take off climb at 60.

Anything I need to watch for running a prop this flat? Obviously, I might gain some speed with a steeper pitch.

As always, thanks for the info.

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