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Bottom Longerons... UGHH!!!

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John Gacnik

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ok my Cub friends, I have a question about longerons. Before I get to asking questions though let me assure you I am not going to attempt anything without a jig. Ok here goes. I just about have my cub back together with a new birdcage and bootcowl channels, ect. Upon further investigation of the bottom longerons I have decided I can't, with a clear mind, put this back together without replacing them.

Now, somewhere in my conversations with other J3 cubers it was mentioned to me that there is a way to make saddles at the clusters. To me I can't picture how you could open up a saddle wide enough to pop a new tube in the old ones place. And maybe I missunderstood how it was explained. I have also talked with Clyde Smith and he mentioned a way of using a tool to basically remove the tube from the cluster.

Does anybody have information or pictures of how to do this? I am in the information gathering phase so any advise would be helpful Thanks John

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