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2 Sets of Expander Tube Brakes + Extra's

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
The Package has SOLD...thanks. My Cub is very much in project mode (and will be for some time) and will end up with Grove's on it down the road. Listing the brakes that came off of it (yellow shield set - worked just fine and all I ever flew with) plus an extra set I purchased when they were removed from a flying PA18 as the guy was upgrading to Cleveland's and huge ABW tundra tires. The link here is an album of 37 pictures of everything. You'll notice extra brake blocks, extra expander tube shields and a pair of extra frames for instance. More fasteners and springs there as well. I picked up the second set 6 months or so ago as I figured spare parts are always good as I wouldn't consider new from Univair at current costs. I'm thinking $400 shipped in the CONUS is about right / fair on the package as pictured. I'm looking to sell as a package versus splitting it up. Would make for a good parts depot for someone running original's or someone looking to restore as original. The album of pics is from tear down to clean up and reassembly. I'm not an A&P by any means, but cleaned them up a bit this summer for a little project and put them back together yesterday.


Shoot me a PM if interested. The link above is the entire album of photo's...I've attached a couple that represent the lot and the assembled sets. You only see 3 expander tubes in the one photo as one of them is already assembled in the pic.



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