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1946 Piper J3 C85-8 For Sale

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Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
I'm selling my Cub. Sad in a lot of ways. I've hem'd and haw'd over this decision for the past month. I recently bought a T-34 and the Cub is not getting flown. The Cub is in great shape. It needs nothing, other than it needs to fly and the oil needs to be changed every 20-25 hours. You can find the ad over on Barnstormers, under Piper J-3 Cub. I can't figure out how to do a direct link to it. If anyone has questions, let me know. The ad looks like this: 1946 PIPER J3 C85-8 • $45,000 • FOR SALE • NC98399, TT3031, TSMOH771, C85-8F, metal Mac 1A90-CF7144, Restore/Recover 1993, Sealed Struts, 8 Gal Left wing tank, new Grove Brakes, new tires and tubes, 8.00x4 tires, Annual April 2018, Cub Instruments, Metal Spar, new rear retractor reel shoulder harness and seat belt, new upholstery, new API tailwheel, new exhaust, Logs since new, No Electric (ever), Great flying Cub, well maintained and cared for, nothing needs to be done other than fly it, refuel and fly some more, and change the oil every 20-25 hours. Hangared at SBA. • Contact Kent Field, Owner - located Santa Barbara, CA USA • Telephone: 8054550559 • Posted May 18, 2018





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