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1940's LIFE Cub photos...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
Thought this would be of interest.

Google has all of the Life Magazine photo archive. Not only do they have the photos printed in the magazine, but all of the photos on the rolls from the various photographers. Many have been digitized. You can do a search via google images by adding "source:life" after anything you search. The problem is that it can be real sensitive. Whatever words/phrases you search have to somehow be in the words of how the photos are labeled. Anyhow, I came across these.

They are a large series of photos of the Under Secretary of War Robert Patterson and his flight training somewhere between 1941-1945. Patterson was from Glens Falls, NY, a WW1 veteran, and Under Sec. of War under FDR and then Secretary of War under Truman (really an interesting guy....look him up). Anyhow, turns out he was taking flight lessons as well, probably at a field near DC....hence these photos. He seems to be using a CAA J3...NC194. There seems to be a CPTP operation on the field, as the Waco UPF-7's in the background of a photo or two seem to point to.

They are really sharp, professional photos. Great way to see a Cub in it's 1940s training environment. Also love that CAA scheme. Not sure if the CAA Cub was assigned directly to Patterson for the flight training or what.

Anyhow, for each link you'll see a main photo come up (you can click on it to enlarge), and on the right 4 smaller thumbnails. You can sort of cycle through all the photos that way. I'd love to know more about these. Any of these CAA Cubs still around? Who was instructor? etc. Here are some of the cool ones. ENJOY!








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